Mon. Mar 31st, 2025
Legacy Co-op grocery store in Churchbridge, toilet paper isle COVID-19

No residents in the coverage area have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus as of Tuesday evening, yet residents are still noticing the impacts. 

Some may find it difficult to restock their supplies of toilet paper, yet for others the impact runs much deeper. 

Legacy Co-op grocery store in Churchbridge, toilet paper isle COVID-19
The toilet paper section at the Legacy Co-op grocery store in Churchbridge, Saskatchewan during the recent COVID-19 pandemic.

Beginning with Saskatchewan K-12 public schools recently being “suspended indefinitely”, families in most cases have felt routine-altering circumstances. 

With graduation in limbo, grade 12 students are amongst the groups hoping the COVID-19 pandemic is not a long term crisis. 

The Government of Saskatchewan says that “Every student will receive a final grade based on their current grade, and students will progress to their next grade level next year.  Every student who is eligible to graduate from Grade 12 this year will graduate. The Ministry of Education and School Divisions will work with Saskatchewan Post-Secondary Institutions to adapt entry requirements for programs commencing in the next academic year.”

Unprecedented arrangements are in the works.

Educational resources are being shared with families to learn at home now as they prepare for the new norm of preventative self-isolation. By staying away from the classroom, a known environment for human contact and in turn possible contamination, the government seems to be aiming to prevent situations like that of Italy, where the world’s eighth-largest economy had their healthcare system overrun by incoming patients affected by the coronavirus. 

Recent events in the area have been cancelled due to the outbreak including the movies presented by the Langenburg Arts Council and ones at the Maple Leaf Theatre in Esterhazy.

Local sports are following sir as all hockey leagues are postponing all remaining games of their seasons.

It is important to remember, now than ever, that supporting local businesses is a priority. The impact will be felt as income sources diminish. If possible, look to support your neighbours in a way that does not involve getting too close. When the outbreak runs its course, local shopping will help businesses bounce back. 

Pharmacies in the area are doing their part to help the self-isolated; some are offering delivery services if patrons are showing symptoms of illness.

Residents may find themselves out and about to gather the essentials, but community facilities are closing their doors for the most part. 

The Kaminski Arena, S.N. Boreen Centre. Saltcoats Curling Club are a few of the community facilities shutting down any rentals. 

Hockey playoffs came to an abrupt halt. The Triangle Hockey League and North Central Hockey League seasons are unable to determine a victor in their championship series; young athletes involved with the Major Hockey League joined the two adult leagues in hanging up the skates for the season.

The Warriors football program suspended all meetings, training, fundraising, and planning until further notice, saying “There are many programs this will affect [including] the current grade twelves [who] will not have Senior Bowl tryouts, or a game.  There will be no spring combine/training camp for next year’s Junior and Senior teams. Also, the Minor Football coaches in the area decided to cancel the Spring Minor Football League; this means no U12, or Pee Wee Program for the Warrior program this Spring.”

Town, village and R.M. offices are asking for residents to still contact them, just not in person. Email seems to be the preferred method for all, but the phone is available for some offices during the current effort to minimize person-to-person contact. 

The Town of Langenburg stated, “Due to the COVID-19 Virus the Town of Langenburg is asking the public to voluntarily restrict their access to the town staff. It is important to keep the Town Staff healthy and able to run all essential services such as Water and Sewer, operate equipment, monitor spring runoff and be available in storms.  Please AVOID contact with all Town staff unless it is an emergency. Do not approach the town truck or equipment to talk with the guys. Do not go to the town office to speak with staff. The COVID-19 virus spreads quickly and easily. For everyone’s protection, avoid public gatherings and stay at home when possible. The sooner we slow the spread down the sooner life can return to normal.”  

The toilet paper section at Wallins grocery store in Langenburg, Saskatchewan during the recent COVID-19 pandemic.

The Government of Saskatchewan is stepping in with new policies to help our residents. Public Health Emergency Leave is implemented currently which determines “you will not require a doctor’s note or 13 consecutive weeks of employment with the employer to access job protection for taking sick leave as a result of a public health emergency.”

Also, there will be “no public gatherings of over 250 people in any one room.This does not include settings where people are distributed into multiple rooms or buildings, such as schools, universities or workplaces…retail locations and faith-based organizations are exempt, however, they should have measures (such as crowd size monitoring) that support safe social distancing and should seek guidance from the local medical health officer if necessary”. 

They are recommending “People who have travelled outside the province in the previous 14 days or have acute respiratory or flu-like symptoms should avoid visiting long term care homes and hospitals.”

Another prevention measure is “no events of over 50 people with speakers or attendees who have travelled internationally within the last 14 days.” 

The provincial 811 health line is set up for those with symptoms related to COVD-19. Those with questions regarding the pandemic can refer to the government’s website. 

Although there are no confirmed cases as of yet, our area is assisting in the preventative measures recommended by governing authorities. 

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