Bob Bjarnason of Churchbridge was awarded a 2021 Saskatchewan Volunteer Medal on Tuesday, April 26th in Regina at the Government House.
Bjarnason was surprised to see a phone call from the Saskatchewan government one day this past February, but was even more pleasantly surprised to hear he’d been awarded the province’s volunteer medal.
In 1995, the Government of Saskatchewan established a decoration to recognize the volunteer sector on the occasion of the province’s 90th anniversary: the Saskatchewan Volunteer Medal. Saskatchewan has the highest rate of volunteerism in Canada. Each volunteer reaches outside his or her personal activities to help others and make daily life in our province better for everyone. Since its creation, the Saskatchewan Volunteer Medal has been awarded to 240 deserving individuals.

When asked about volunteering, Bob mentioned his strong beliefs about the importance of helping out in the community. “Every community has organizations that need funds, and it is difficult to raise these funds.” He added that if there are no volunteers then these groups struggle. “We grew up around volunteers, the majority of people were volunteers at the rink. Everybody played hockey, the coaches were volunteers, the referees didn’t make much.”
Bob Bjarnason is still heavily involved in the Churchbridge Lions club as the Treasurer; he appreciates the many events they host. “I like helping at Men’s Night and our chicken dinner. It’s fun to see people come out to socialize.”
Lion Bob Bjarnason is a familiar face at Lions meetings and community activities. Churchbridge Lion’s President Sheldon Morash mentioned in the nomination letter for Lion Bob, “It is very rare when Bob is not present at a meeting, and rarer yet, when the Churchbridge Lions live up to our motto ‘We Serve’, that he is not taking part in whatever is taking place.”
“Recently he was among a group of Churchbridge Lions who spent hours of hard work clearing dead branches and trees from the town’s Walking Path as a service project for the town. When help has been required by the Lions to help host a community social event — weddings, annual meetings, etc. — or to help at a Bingo he has always been willing to work one or more shifts.”
Lion Sheldon added, “Bob Bjarnason has been a member of the Churchbridge Lions Club for 43 years and while that, on its own, is a remarkable accomplishment, it’s all that he has done and achieved for the club and the community during that time that’s truly worth acknowledging. Bob is not just ‘a member’ but a member who consistently steps forward to take a leadership role. He does that, not at all for the recognition, but simply because when he sees a job which needs to be done he will do what he can to accomplish the task. For that he was presented a Melvin Jones Fellowship by Lions Clubs International in 2013. That award, named in honour of the founder of Lions, is the highest award available to an individual Lions Club member.”
Churchbridge Mayor, Bill Johnston, described the impact Bob has on the community. ‘Actions speak louder than words’ best summarizes how Bob Bjarnason contributes to the Town of Churchbridge. He has been a life-long community volunteer willing to offer a helping hand wherever and whenever one is needed and he does it in a quiet, unassuming, selfless manner.”
Bob is, or has been a part of, “Churchbridge In Bloom (with his wife Grace, planting and tending floral displays throughout the town each summer), the Churchbridge Lions Club (a long-time and very active member), Trinity Lutheran Church (unofficial and unpaid “custodian” of the church and rectory and member of the pre-Covid Senior Choir), a member of the Churchbridge Cemetery Committee (cutting grass and generally helping to maintain the cemetery grounds each summer), and a member of the Churchbridge Campground Committee (taking turns each night during the summer collecting campground fees and welcoming visitors to the community), all of which contribute significantly to the well-being of Churchbridge and its residents.”
Mayor Johnston explained, “Bob has served on Churchbridge Town Council and was a member of the committee which, in 2013, raised nearly one million dollars to build the new Churchbridge Aquatic Centre where on July 1 Bob can usually be found helping with the town’s annual Canada Day Birthday Party. He was a member of a group which, in 1984, planned, financed and helped construct a new four-sheet curling rink for the town, a project which extensively drew upon his electrical knowledge and skills. He has coached the Churchbridge Imperials Senior Hockey Team, was a player on the team for several seasons and has been active with the Churchbridge Recreation Board.”
The Town of Churchbridge Mayor. Mr. Johnston concluded by saying, “To say that Bob Bjarnason has contributed significantly to the Town of Churchbridge would be an understatement.”
Congratulations to Bob Bjarnason on receiving the 2021 Saskatchewan Volunteer Medal.