Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Deputy Mayor Ken Reykjalin called the Town of Bredenbury Council to order at 4:30 P.M. on March 30, 2021, with all members present.

The council began with adopting the agenda before Councillor Burman made a motion to accept the agenda; motion carried.

Next, the council reviewed the minutes of the last meeting. Councillor Chartier made a motion to accept; motion carried.

Carrying on, the council reviewed the List of Accounts. Councillor Burman made a motion to accept; motion carried.

Moving on, the council reviewed the town maintenance report before Councillor Reykjalin made a motion to accept the maintained report; motion carried.

The council reviewed the water report after a short discussion. Council discussed when the next meeting will be and April 27 at 4:30 P.M. was decided on.

Next, the council discussed the base tax and bylaw to raise the base tax residential to $1000 and ceremonial to $1050. Councillor Reykjalin made a motion to use these base taxes; motion carried.

The mile rate for residential will remain the same at 4.5 and the commercial at 6 with a motion by Councillor Chartier; motion carried.

Councillor Chartier made a motion to adopt the budget; motion carried.

The council has budgeted $65,000 for the fire hall and $10,000 for paving.

Capital asset discussion included the council looking at a newer truck and a mower as well as another $15,000 for hall maintenance.

Carrying on, the council discussed a new sign for the town office to go along with the new Westland Insurance sign. Councillor Reykjalin made a motion to purchase the new sign; motion carried.

The hall will be rented out each Sunday bringing a little income into the town. The council discussed the possibility of getting a new mower for the town, councillor Reykjalin will look at prices. Councillor Trowell made a motion pending pricing to purchase a mower; motion carried.

There will be free garbage pick up on April 7th & 14th, residents are asked to call the town to book.

There will be a community-wide garage sale and all COVID regulations will be followed. There are approximately 4-5 individuals already interested in having a garage sale.

The golf course is looking into putting grass greens and is looking at putting in a well of their own for irrigation.

The school project is progressing well and the flooring needs to be redone. Councillor Burman made a motion to purchase flooring; motion carried.

The rink is completely booked. There is an interest to use the local arena from as far away as Estavan, but the local teams will be given a slight discount with a motion by Councilor Trowell; motion carried.

The reservoir needs to be cleaned and both cells need to be done; it will be done this summer and fire hydrants flushing will be done on April 13.

The library was next to be discussed. It costs $5500 per year to keep the library open, plus caretaking; this will be reviewed again in the fall.

Meeting adjourned.

By Gary Horseman 

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter 

Four-Town+ Journal

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