Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

On Monday, September 13, 2021, Mayor Bill Johnston called the regularly scheduled council meeting of the Town of Churchbridge to order with all members present.

Mayor Johnston then turned the floor over to Jordan Price of Catterall & Wright who answered any questions the council had about the reverse osmosis (RO) system. There have been several “hiccups” getting the RO system up and running, and the council had a few technical questions that Price tried to answer to the best of his ability. He suggested council install a pre-filter to the RO system.The pre-filter system will cost approximately $11 000 but should completely fix the turbidity levels with the town’s water.

Next, the council revised the agenda prior to Councillor N. Thies making the motion to accept the agenda as reviewed; the motion was carried.

Carrying on, the council reviewed the minutes of the regular meeting held on August 16, 2021, before Councilor Goslin made the motion to accept the minutes as reviewed; the motion carried.


Jason Poppenheim, town foreman, was present to give his report to the council. Poppenheim informed the council about what the town employees have been doing recently, as well as what they are going to be doing over the next two weeks.

Next, the council heard from the Council Standing Committees. 

Renea Paridaen, CAO for the Town of Churchbridge, gave her Administrators Report. Cedar Cresent has been surveyed for elevation and a report will be sent to the town in the next couple of days. The precautionary boil water advisory should be lifted by next Thursday (September 16th). The town has a new website. The transfer site hours will be changing to winter hours and will be open Tuesdays and Saturdays 1 – 5 P.M. Councillor N. Thies made the motion to accept the reports as presented; the motion was carried.

Old Business

Catterall & Wright Engineering Services – Lot Grading Plan was discussed by Councillor Antosh-Cusitar. A motion was made to go with the grading plan; Councillor Vaughan voted against but the motion was carried.

Councillor Vaughan attended a tour of the recycling plant and landfill and told the rest of the council what he learned. 

Councillor Vaughan brought up a semi truck parking spot in town and where to possibly have one. 


The Council reviewed the correspondence received by the town over the last month including; Net Zero Communities Accelerator Program, Smoke-Free Spaces Bylaw – consideration, and Asset Management Training. Mayor Johnston made the motion to sign up the town for this training and the motion was carried. Councillor R. Thies made the motion to file the correspondence; the motion was carried.    


The council reviewed the List of Accounts for Approval prior to Councillor N. Thies making the motion to pay the bills; the motion was carried.

August Financial Statement & Bank Reconciliation

The council reviewed the financial statement and bank reconciliation prior to Councillor Galant making the motion to accept them; the motion was carried.  

New Business

In new business, the council discussed the spring maintenance repairs. Councillor  N. Thies made the motion to accept MC Mechanicals recommendation and the motion was carried.

Next, insurance changes were discussed. The water plant needs more insurance due to the RO system. CAO Paridaen made the recommendation to increase the insurance coverage; the discussion was tabled to find out the cost. 

Expectations, Costs and additional Culverts with the Department of Highway were next to be discussed. Councillor Vaughan made the motion to have the Department of Highway pay for this project as agreed on back in 2018; motion carried. 

Standing Down – Dispatch Fire Calls was next to be discussed. 

The council discussed the bag filter for the RO system. Councillor N. Thies made the motion to go with the stainless steel pre-filters; the motion carried. 

Councillor Vaughan made the motion to request Catterall & Wright to pay half the cost of the shortfalls in the RO project; the motion carried.

The council discussed a water main break by Tony’s Place. The curb stop has been moved. Councillor Vaughan made the motion to agree to a 50/50 cost-share on this repair; the motion carried.

An MLA meeting was next to be discussed. MLA Warren Kaeding has offered to meet with the council.

There was one tender for the Landpride Mower; the tender offer was not accepted. 

Next, Mayor Johnston opened the floor to questions to council prior to Councillor N. Thies making the motion to go in-Camera; the motion carried.

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