Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

On Monday, November 15, 2021, Mayor Bill Johnston called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Town of Churchbridge to order at 7:03 PM with all council members present.

The council reviewed the agenda prior to Councillor N. Thies making the motion to accept the agenda as amended; the motion carried.

Moving on, the council reviewed the minutes of October 18, 2021 regular meeting. Councillor Gosselin made the motion to accept the minutes as reviewed; the motion was carried.


Town Foreman Jason Poppenheim was present to give his report to the council. Foreman Poppenheim explained some concerns he had with the water plant contract with the RO upgrade and requested council to look into this. There are a few leakages for the raw water reserve lines that will need looking into by the new year. Drainage within the town is at a standstill due to the snow arriving. Drainage on the east side of town has been ongoing to help with spring flooding at the end of Prothero Ave. 

Council Standing Committee Reports were next to be heard as each council member gave a report on what their committee has been doing over the last month. 

CAO Renea Paridaen then presented the Administrator’s Report. CAO Paridaen advised the council as to what the office has been up to this last month. CAO Paridaen attended a virtual meeting pertaining to nuclear power. The province is looking into nuclear plants to help get the greenhouse gases to acceptable levels. The town recycles batteries and these are to be shipped off.

Councillor N. Thies made the motion to accept the reports are reviewed; the motion carried.

Old Business

The council discussed the Sportsground Canteen Build first under Old Business. Minor Sports has made an inquiry as to if the building will be totally replaced or a complete update of the whole building. It’s been decided to tin the roof rather than shingling for longevity. There will be a temporary repair and the roof redone in the spring.

The Water & Sewer Rate Bylaw 2021-006 was next to be discussed. Councillor R. Thies made the motion to have the 3rd and final reading. Councillor Vaughan stated he will vote against this motion again due to not dealing with some of the important issues in his opinion; the motion carried. 


The council reviewed the correspondence received by the town in the last month including Glamping – Geodesic Dome and the 2022 Southern Vacation Guide. Councillor Gallant made the motion to place a $350 ad in the guide; the motion was carried. The Four-Town Journal inquired about a Christmas Greetings; Councillor R. Thies made the motion to place an advertisement for this and the motion carried. A Transport Canada Rail Safety Letter was presented as well as a Base Tax Bylaw Inquiry; Councillor R. Thies made the motion to define “adjacent” to mean sharing a common property line and this motion carried. A Christmas Blog proposal was presented, as well as ICIP Intake 2022. The Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League requested to use the Arena. The council also discussed the Churchbridge Lions Christmas Parade participation. Utilities Penalty Waiver Request was discussed as well as RCMP CTSS District Commander Update, Churchbridge Housing Board Request and a Family and Friends Grant. Councillor Gouslin made the motion to file the correspondence; the motion carried.


The council reviewed the accounts for approval. Mayor Johnston declared a conflict of interest and left the chambers. Councillor Gallant made the motion to pay the bills and the motion carried.

Mayor Johnston returned to the chambers. 

October Financial Statement

The council reviewed the October financials. Councillor Vaughan made the motion to accept the financial statement and the motion was carried.

New Business

The Sign Corridor Fee Proposal was moved to in-camera with a motion by R. Thies.

The council also discussed the Department of Highways Repair Recommendation. 

Water & Sewer Drawings discussion included curb stops. N. Thies and R. Thies declared a conflict of interest and joined the gallery. After, the council members re-entered the discussion. 

Camper storage was next to be discussed. The town can now run plate numbers to see who registered owners are for campers and vehicles; there are approximately 8 campers who have not paid their storage fees.

Waste Management Bylaw 2021-008 was the next topic. The council reviewed this bylaw as it changes how the town collects the fees. Councillor N. Thies made the motion to have the first reading and the motion carried. R. Thies made the motion to have the second reading and the motion also carried.

Nuisance Abatement Amendment 2021-00 was next on the discussion list so the CP Rail can clear trees. N. Thies made the motion to accept this amendment and the motion carried; Councillor Vaughan opposed. Councillor R. Thies made the motion to have the second reading; the motion carried.

Borrowing Bylaw 2021-009 – RO was on the agenda next. This is to approve an additional $280,000 loan for the RO system. N. Thies made the motion to have first reading and the motion carried. Councillor Vaughan made the motion to have the second reading and the motion carried.

There were Housing Authority Board changes discussed next. Councillor N. Thies made the motion to accept the individual presented as a board member on the housing authority; the motion carried.

Councillor N. Thies made the motion to go in-camera; the motion carried.

By: Gary Horseman

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