Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Mayor Jeremy Stasiuk called the Regularly Scheduled meeting of the Langenburg Town Council to order at 7:00 PM August 17, 2021, with all council administration and foreman present.

The council reviewed the agenda before Councillor Sicinski made the motion to accept the agenda as reviewed; the motion carried.

Next, the council reviewed the minutes of the last meeting before Councillor Popp made the motion to accept the minutes as reviewed; the motion carried.

Carrying on, the council reviewed the List of  Accounts Payable. Council had a major discussion on the recycling fines issued due to contamination. The fines keep coming in for contamination and there is not a good idea where the contamination is coming from. The council is unsure on how to educate the public enough to get these fines eliminated. Councillor Sicinski made the motion to pay the bills; the motion carried.

The Financials for June and July were reviewed as Councillor Popp explained to the rest of the council the details of the document. Councillor Popp made the motion to accept the Financials; the motion carried. 

The Foreman’s Report was next heard with Dave Tucker. The blades have been replaced on the grader. Quotes for tree removal have been sought with no reply to date. The cement at the pickleball court has been replaced with asphalt. Water meter sensors need to be replaced by contractors after renovation to the outside of the houses. Street sweeping will begin Monday, August 23, 2021. The back window of the Kaboda was broken while mowing. All manuals for the lift station have arrived. 

Councillor Sicinski made the motion to accept the Foreman’s Report; the motion carried.

The council reviewed the Office Report as presented by CAO Lemke. Lemke explained her report and answered any questions the council had. Councillor Popp made the motion to accept the Office Report; the motion was carried.

The council reviewed the Committee Reports and council members from each committee reviewed the reports submitted.


The council reviewed the correspondence received by the town over the last month before Councillor Sicinski made the motion to file correspondence; the motion carried.

Old Business

The council discussed unsightly properties; letters have been issued now and some progress has started.

Community Development and Recreation personal contracts were reviewed. Councillor Hunt made the motion to accept the contracts as reviewed; the motion carried.

Councillor Sicinski made the motion to adjourn the meeting; the motion carried.

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