Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Joe Degenhardt from Esterhazy, also representing his family’s hometown of Goodsoil, SK., recently had the opportunity to participate on the TV show Family Feud Canada (FFC). Since the Season Three episode of Family Feud Canada has not aired yet, Joe was asked to not give away too many specifics about what happened on the show. 

Initially, Degenhardt was asked by his cousin Sheri if he would be interested in submitting a short audition video. Although the audition video captured the attention of those from FFC, Joe admits his teenage daughter was mortified by his antics.

While filming the introduction, the applicants were encouraged to show a lot of energy and to stand out. Degenhardt said, “I have a group of pretty entertaining cousins and we figured Family Feud Canada might be an awesome experience.”

The experience required “absolute raw adrenaline.” Joe added, “It was a mix of nervousness, unpredictability, excitement, goosebumps, waves of emotions and it was overwhelming to the senses.”

Asked about what part of the experience stuck out to him vividly, Joe mentioned, “There is a moment while you are practicing the opening family pose, when the producers stop you and tell you to turn around…Behind you in the cove on stage, lit up in all the magical glory of Disneyland, is your family name as it will show on TV.  Every hair stands up on your body and a flush of indescribable joy overtakes your senses.”

Many know the comedian Gerry Dee as the physical education teacher from the hit series Mr. D. 

Gerry is the host of Family Feud Canada and consistently leaves a lasting impression on all the participants. 

Talking about Mr. D, Joe said, “Wow, what a comedian and personality! His timing was impeccable. He sees the potential in the moment. He made you feel comfortable and was a real professional. He recognizes and may ‘play up’ what is good for viewer entertainment like contestant bloopers.”

Some contestants enter the Family Feud Canada arena with a plan for what they will do with their winnings if they are successful. Joe’s plan, win or lose, was to celebrate the experience. He said, “It was good fortune for me to spend this adventure with four other incredible people in my family. On our first night in Toronto we stopped in a small pub and raised our glasses in celebration of this incredible opportunity.”

Anytime one is in Toronto it is imperative to view some of the other sights the city has to offer. For Degenhardt, there was an attempt made to visit a Toronto Blue Jays game, but upon the family’s arrival at downtown Toronto, the game had just finished.  

Although it was unfortunate the family missed the baseball game, they did make it to their most important event. 

The Family Feud Canada show is shown on CBC and CBC Gem. Keep an eye on Family Feud Canada this season to see one of our locals compete for the big prize.

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