Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

On Wednesday, May 19 at 6:00 P.M., Mayor Gordon Barnhart called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Saltcoats Town Council to order via Zoom and in-person in chambers.

Mayor Barnhart opened the public hearing concerning Bylaw 03-2021; a borrowing by law as per legislation. 

This borrowing bylaw is to fund the water treatment plant; no public attended the open hearing. Mayor Barnhart explained to the rest of the council about the loan the town is looking at which will help build the water treatment plant and then declared the public hearing closed.

The council began with reviewing the agenda before a motion was made to accept the agenda as amended. Councillor Pearson made a motion to accept the amended agenda; motion carried.

Carrying on, the council reviewed the minutes of the April 21, 2021 meeting. Councillor Hutchings made a motion to adopt the minutes as reviewed; motion carried.

The council reviewed the Action Lists – Addendum A, B & C. After a short discussion about the aeration of Anderson Lake and the aeration possibilities, Councillor Pearson made a motion to adopt the action list as reviewed; motion carried.

Public Works

The council began by discussing the monthly water treatment plant update. The council heard from a consultant who has offered his services to help the council with this project.

The council reviewed the Monthly Waterworks Operational Report for April 2021 and Foreman Denis Hunt presented his report to the council as to what the public works department has been doing over the last month in the water treatment plant. His report included that water consumption is up slightly. Councillor Pearson made a motion to accept the Monthly Waterworks Operational Report; motion carried.

The Monthly Public Works Report was next. Foreman Hunt explained to the council that May is a typical month for the public works department to get the town ready with spring clean-up. Councillor Issel made a motion to accept the public works report; motion carried.

The WSA Permit to Construct was next to be discussed by the council. Foreman Hunt explained to the council that any additional building to the water treatment plant requires a WSA permit.

The WSA Waterworks Compliance Inspection was next to be reviewed. Foreman Hunt explained this is one of two inspections done on the water treatment; this report is showing the council about their waterworks compliance report. WSA changed the inspections to the waterworks including calibration of some equipment on a regular basis and the town passed the inspection.

The council discussed a tree replacement by the water treatment plant as there was a tree that needed to be replaced; after a short discussion council moved on.

The fire pump engine failed and needs to be replaced; it’s up and running again.


The council reviewed the List of Accounts for Payment and Councillor Buchinski made a motion to pay the bills; motion carried.

The Monthly Financial Report for April 2021 was next to be reviewed. Councillor Hutchings made a motion to accept the financial report; motion carried.

The Bank Reconciliation was reviewed next. Councillor Pearson made a motion to accept the bank reconciliation; motion carried.

Unpaid Tax and Unpaid Utility Reports as of April 30, 2021 were reviewed by the council and CAO Larson explained to the council what is going on with these reports. 

Business Arising From the Minutes

The council had the 2nd reading of Bylaw 03-2021 Borrowing by means of debenture with a motion by Councillor Buchinski; motion carried.

The 3rd reading of Bylaw 03-2021 was made by Mayor Barnhart; motion carried. 

Policy 21-05 Prohibited Waste and Burning Policy was discussed before councillor Waloschuk made a motion to accept this policy; motion carried.

Bylaw 377 was repealed with a motion by Councillor Buchinski; motion carried.

Official Community Plan (OCP) this plan is a new plan for the community and the direction council would like to see it go.

The Zoning Bylaw was next to be reviewed and discussed next.

The ICIP Grant update was next to be discussed and the town’s CAO issued the council with her report on the grant.

The council discussed Auditing for Small Organizations, such as the rink and curling rink. 

New Business

The council discussed the OH&S Inspection Report as there was a surprise visit by OH&S which resulted in the addition of a few new policies.

Policy 21-03 Harassment Prevention Policy was discussed and this policy has been updated. Councillor Pearson made a motion to accept the new policy and rescind the old policy; motion carried.

Policy 21-04 Traffic Control while Working Policy was discussed as this policy is for the public works to work on the roads safely; Councillor Waloschuk moved this policy to be adopted and the motion carried.

Policy 13-08 Amendment to the Business Directory Sign was next to be discussed. CAO Larson explained to the council about the amendment and Councillor Pearson moved this policy to be amended as reviewed; motion carried.

The Minor Sports Board request was next to be discussed by the council. Councillor Buchinski explained to the rest of the council the Minor Sports should separate from the Rink Board; after a discussion this has been tabled until the next meeting.

There has been a request for a yard repair, after a short discussion council carried on.

There have also been a few requests for dust control. With it being an unusually dry spring the dust has become an issue for residents living near gravel roads in town; the town will be doing dust control the last week of May.

The Barnhart Heritage Trail Committee request was mentioned. Councillor Pearson explained to the rest of the council that there use to be a committee for this and there are funds they wish for the Beautification Committee to honour Veterans from the town. Councillor Pearson made a motion to allow the disbanding of the Barnhart Heritage Trail Committee and close out the bank account associated with that committee; motion carried. 

The council discussed the Municipalities of Saskatchewan Rebranding and Councillor Pearson made a motion to support the rebranding of SUMA to Municipalities of Saskatchewan; motion carried.

The UMAAS Convention was next to be discussed. CAO Larson explained to the council this is virtual convection for administrators. Mayor Barnhart made a motion to allow CAO Larson to attend; the motion carried.


The council reviewed the correspondence received by the town over the last month including; the Commissionaires Reports, the RCMP Report for March, the Beautification Committee Meeting Minutes, the Parkland Valley AGM, and the TCYHA 75th AGM. Councillor Issel made a motion to file the correspondence; motion carried.

Councillor Pearson made a motion to adjourn the meeting; motion carried.

By Gary Horseman

Four-Town+ Journal

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