Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

It all began in December when the youth zone try out was in Foam Lake. Dylan finished 6th on the men’s side placing him on the mixed team. Due to a shortage of bowlers he advanced to the Provincial in Prince Albert on January 8th as a single. At the Provincial level the teams bowl for medals but you only advance as a Single to the National. Top 3 ladies and top 3 men make a Mixed team to advance to Nationals which this year will be held in Winnipeg March 23-25. Dylan finished tied for third place against a man from Regina after a one game roll off Dylan won and is on the Provincial Mixed team headed to Nationals! Dylan averaged 222 for his 5 games.

The East Sask Ladies Team earned themselves the bronze medal at the Provincial tournament. Ladies team consisted of Darien Mickle, Harmony Padley and Kaylyn Isaac from the Esterhazy area, Makenzie Wilson of Yorkton and Nakita Chocorlan of Foam Lake.

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