Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

On Wednesday, January 12, 2022 Mayor Grant Forster called the regularly scheduled council meeting for the Town Of Esterhazy to order at 6:30 PM with a quorum present.

The council began with the approval of the agenda. Councillor Nickell made the motion to accept the agenda as amended; the motion was carried.

Adoption of Minutes

The council reviewed and adopted the minutes of the December 15th, 2021 regular meeting with a motion by Councilor Petracek; the motion carried. 


Carrying on, the council reviewed the trial balance for the month ending December 31, 2020.

Next, the council reviewed the list of accounts – #30203 – #30266    $327,334.58 as well as the source deductions – #960 – #962 $49,979.93 with a total of $377,314.51 Councillor Rowland made the motion to accept the total list of accounts and source deductions as discussed; the motion carried.

Administrative Reports

The planning and development report was next. For a discretionary application review, there was a public hearing. Only two respondents, with no real feedback. Councillor Flick made the motion to allow the development plan for a daycare; the motion carried.

Community development/recreation report was given. The council reviewed the report with the recreation officer as per his written report.

The fire report concluded that the council is planning on attending a fire department meeting to discuss budgetary concerns.

The council reviewed the water report. The water consumption has increased slightly and is being looked into.

For the public works/director of operations report, it was stated that Esterhazy received a license to operate the landfill again. An extension of the landfill consultant was requested to properly finish off the landfill to get it to provincial standards. Councillor Rowland made the motion to extend the contract for 3 months; the motion carried. There was a discussion about paving and what should and shouldn’t be paved over the next year with a recommendation from the public works department. The director of operations is requesting to be allowed to put out $770,000 approximately for paving for the 2022 paving season. Councillor Flick made the motion to allow this tender to be advertised; the motion carried.

The chief administrative officer report was given byCAO Thorley. The town’s insurance is coming due in January and quotes and deductible costs have been received by the insurance company. Assessment appeals were discussed and there is a need to set up a new board as the company that used to do it has shut down after 20 years. The office staff did some training and some staff have finished their probation period. Councillor Flick made the motion to accept the reports; the motion carried.

New Business

The Council moved on to new business beginning with Bylaw 778-22-Snow Removal Bylaw. There is no bylaw to date and it is recommended that the town set up a snow removal bylaw. Councillor Rowland made the motion to have the first reading of the new snow removal bylaw; the motion carried, Councillor Nickell made the motion to have the second reading; the motion carried.

Commissionaires contract renewal was next on the discussion, and Councillor Rowland made the motion to continue the contract; the motion carried.

Trans Canada Yellowhead Highway Association requested a donation. 

Saskatchewan Public Works Association – Annual Conference was next to be discussed. It is recommended the director of operations attend. Councillor Flick made the motion; the motion passed.


Next, the council reviewed the correspondence received by the town in the last month including ;

Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers Volunteer Levy 2022, Ministry of Environment – Permit to Operate Waste Disposal, Cathay Wagantall – MP, SUMA – Municipal Update, The Ministry of Environment & Water Security Agency-Drinking Water Quality and Compliance. Councillor Rowland made the motion to file the correspondence; the motion carried.

Councillor Nickell made the motion to go into committee as a whole; motion carried.

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