Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

By: Gary Horseman

Mayor Grant Forster called the regularly scheduled council meeting for the Town of Esterhazy to order at 6:31 P.M. on Wednesday, March 23, 2022 with all council members present and CAO Thorley via Zoom.

The council reviewed the agenda prior to Councillor Flick making the motion to accept the agenda as amended; the motion was carried.

The council reviewed the minutes of the last meeting. Councillor Nickell made a motion to accept the minutes as reviewed; the motion carried.


The council reviewed the list of accounts – #30420 – # 30458 with a total of $184,537.89. Councillor Petracheck made the motion to accept the list of accounts; the motion was carried. 


Planning and Development – Tammy MacDonald attended a Business Partnership Training course and is also requesting to attend the Indigenous Economic Development gathering in Saskatoon. Councillor Nickell made the motion to accept Macdonald’s report; the motion was carried.

Community Development – Garth Forster reported to the council that the rink will be shut down next week Thursday or Friday. Summer staff applications are slowly coming in so the deadline was extended. Pool staff hiring is on par with last year.

The Fire Department Report was reviewed by the council. The door for one of the fire trucks was temporarily fixed until it can be totally fixed when better weather arrives.

Water System Report – The superstructure contract for the building design is 95% complete with Hipperson Contract. Contract 2 is the list of bore sights and the negotiation of land for backfill; all are to be completed by the end of August.

Public Works/ Director of Operations –  Director of Operations Frieson is awaiting approval for an Operations Plan and Emergency Management Plan for the landfill, and prices for the shredding of material at the landfill. An employee will be taking a pesticide application course so one employee can apply pesticides in town. An OH&S inspection was done with four minor infractions that have been rectified. 

Administrator’s Report – CAO Thorley reported that the waste disposal site needs its hours of operation changed to summer hours starting May 3, 2022. Councillor Rowland made the motion to change the site’s hours to the summer hours; the motion was carried. All administration staff have been busy with budget preparation, and the policy manual needs to be worked on and updated. Councillor Flick made the motion to receive the administrative reports as reviewed; the motion was carried.

New Business

There was a request by citizens about getting a sidewalk on Sumner Street in the mini industrial area and more street lighting. The council reviewed the written request as this would end up being a budgeted project. The topic was deferred to Public Works and Community Development to figure out possible solutions. 

The council discussed the Water Security Agency- Renew Permit to Operate Sewer Works. The council reviewed the permit and was for information for the council.

Next, the council discussed the RCMP Community Consultation for Developing Policing Objectives. There are two categories the RCMP will be focusing on which are enhancing policing efforts and building trust. Community Development will meet with Sgt. Stringfellow to discuss the thoughts of the town on these two categories.


The council reviewed the correspondence received by the town over the last two weeks including: SUMA – Municipal Update- all courses held at SUMA will be done via ZOOM; Ministry of Environment – Permit to Operate Amendment for the Waste Disposal Site; MLA Warren Kaeding – Ukrainian Canadian Congress of Saskatchewan (UCC) Agreement; Bylaw Enforcement Report; and the Esterhazy Regional Park – Meeting Minutes. Councillor Nickell made the motion to file the correspondence before making the motion to go in-camera to discuss staffing and union contract talks; the motion was carried.

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