Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

On April 18, 2021, at 6:30 P.M. Mayor Grant Forster called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Town of Esterhazy council to order with all members present.

First, the council reviewed the agenda. Councillor Nickell made a motion to accept the amended agenda; motion carried.

Next, the council reviewed the minutes of the last council meeting before Councillor Rowland made a motion to accept the minutes as reviewed; motion carried.

Carrying on, the council reviewed the List of Accounts. After a couple of questions, Councillor Petracek made a motion to accept the List of Accounts; motion carried.

Administrative Reports

The Public Works Report was reviewed by the council. There was a short discussion including looking into purchasing a packer for patching potholes around town.

Planning & Development was next. Tammy MacDonald gave her report to the council and informed them that there have been a couple of inquiries for the property that the town has for sale for “less than fair market value”. MacDonald recommended the council accept the offer to purchase as long as it follows the standard requirements of the lots in that subdivision. Councillor Bot made a motion to accept the offer; motion carried.

The Esterhazy High School requested that a graduate slideshow be put on the town electronic sign. Councillor Rowland made a motion to allow the grads to be displayed on the messenger board; motion carried.

The Community Development & Recreation Report was next with Brenda Redman. Redman informed the council that they are approved to hire summer students and she submitted the names for the council to consider. Councillor Flick made a motion to allow the hiring of the summer student as per recommended by Redman; motion carried.

The Esterhazy Museum needed a new motor on their furnace; it was fixed and they are ready to open when allowed.

The D.A. Mackenzie Aquatic center was looked at to fix a leak; it will be looked at again early next week.

The Esterhazy Flour Mill should have siding delivered next week and it will be installed.

The S.N. Borden Center had its roof inspected for a urethane coating and a quote should arrive for fixing this next week.

The council reviewed the Fire Report as well as the Water Report.

The Office Report was next with CAO Mike Thorley. Thorley informed the council that there is over 2 million dollars in the surplus from last year; he recommended it be put into the reserves and a few other projects if need be. There should be close to 7 million dollars in the reserves to pay the water treatment plant. With a few other surpluses, the town would not need to borrow money to pay for the water treatment plant project. Councillor Petracek made a motion to put these funds into the town’s reserve as per CAO Thorley’s recommendation; motion carried. Councillor Petracek made a motion to add the re-allocated $180,000 also into the reserves for the water treatment plant; motion carried.

There is a one-year term deposit that needs to be put back into some form of investment. Thorley recommended the council reinvest it with the banks to find the best deal. Councillor Bot made a motion to go ahead with the investment as per Thorley’s recommendation; motion carried.

The council reviewed a couple of the committee meetings. The community development committee has recommended the speed be reduced going through town from the airport to Merritt Ford. Councillor Flick made a motion to accept the recommendation of the development committee; motion carried. 

The council discussed tendering out for a realtor to handle town lots for sale. Councillor Bot made a motion to produce a tender document for a realtor; motion carried. 

The general government committee report was reviewed. The CAO contract was also reviewed and tabled until the next meeting. Councillor Nickell made a motion to accept the reports; motion carried.

Old Business

The Landfill Rates 2021 – 2023 were reviewed and the discussion was tabled.

New Business

The Audited Financial Statement reviewed. Councillor Rowland made a motion to accept the Audited Financial Statement; motion carried.

The Operating, Capital and Reserve Budget was discussed and tabled.

The Statistics Canada – 2021 Census was discussed. There was a request that the council support the 2021 census and encourage all ratepayers to participate in the online 2021 census. Councillor Rowland made a motion to support Statistics Canada; motion carried.

The Esterhazy Friday Market was next to be discussed. The council reviewed the request from the farmers market to waive the business licence requirement, as well as the $200 rental fee for the market for this year. After a lengthy discussion, Councillor Bot made a motion to accept the request to waive the $200 rental fee for this year; motion. carried.

The regional park was next to be discussed. There are trucks going down by the walking trail and there is a concern that someone may be involved in an accident; it was recommended that a gate be installed. The town will talk to the R.M. as it is a road allowance. Councillor Rowland made a motion to put this gate up pending R.M. approval; motion carried.


The council reviewed the correspondence received by the town over the last two weeks including messages from The Saskatchewan Housing Authority – nominating committee chair and committee; Tourism Saskatchewan – industries update for April 2021; Government Relations – municipal revenue sharing figures; Municipalities of Saskatchewan – town, village and northern sector meeting; MADD – message for the yearbook; Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers – volunteer levy for 2021; Municipalities of Saskatchewan – municipal update, UMASS – 2021 virtual conference; and OH&S meeting minutes.

Councillor Flick made a motion to file the correspondence; motion carried.

Councillor Nickell made a motion to go in-camera; motion carried.

By Gary Horseman 

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter 

Four-Town+ Journal

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