August 19th, 2019
From Caronport to Churchbridge, Esterhazy to Saltcoats, Talia Fawcett has put on some miles while working to promote the Yellowhead Flyway Bird Trail Association (YFBTA). The Caronport local, and basketball enthusiast, is currently enrolled at the University of Regina finishing her Education degree. It was at the University where she heard about the program through a fellow Faculty of Education student. Fawcett jumped at the chance to apply for the facilitator role where she now travels around to neighboring towns putting on presentations about nature in various community facilities.
While presenting at the Churchbridge Public Library, Talia had a crowd on hand of well over 15 youth eager to learn about nature. The audience was treated to a discussion about foxes, were able to examine a fox skull, and reviewed different characteristics that make foxes so unique. Did you know foxes can smell small creatures under the snow? Or that their eyes are similar to those of cats which help them see better at night?
Prior to working with youth as the YFBTA Summer Program Facilitator, Fawcett put in months of work going around to schools becoming a familiar face to many of the students in the area.
Working with multiple area schools during the 2018-19 school year, Talia presented a lesson anywhere from 30-75 minutes long. Sometimes the lessons were indoors, sometimes they were outdoors. In Saltcoats classes of students in grades 6, 7, and 8 were able to enjoy a pond-dipping activity with live critters along the shoreline of Anderson Lake.
Guest speakers always seem to spark the interest of young students; add in the excitement of the kids getting to play interactive animal simulation games and you’ve got yourself an environment where learning is happening at full-force! The difficult part is trying to manage all that chaos. Fun can definitely increase learning, but sometimes things may get to the point where learning is not the main focus anymore. As a 3rd year Education student, Talia has realized how to balance learning and excitement already.
While I was teaching last year, I had the opportunity to see Talia present one of her lessons in Esterhazy working with grade 3 students; I can say that she did an excellent job balancing their energy and eagerness to learn. A contact at the Churchbridge Public School commented that Talia taught her class of students in a very engaging way and it kept all her students highly interested.
Many families travel to Kenosee Lake, especially in the summer months. If you’ve visited the Kenosee Lake Bible Camp over the past 5 summers, you may recognize Talia. It was while being a councillor at camp where she learned how great it can be to work with students in the outdoors – away from their phones and technology. She believes that “children learn best when they are having fun, when they are exploring and when they are problem-solving”. Talia says that as more students understand their environment it “will lead [them] into challenging discussions [about] conservation and of stewardship of land”.
All ages were able to enjoy the activities put on by the YFBTA Summer Facilitator role. In addition to presenting to children, teens, and adults, Fawcett also brought her nature presentations to seniors in care homes.
The YFBTA Summer Facilitator program is funded through federal grants for summer students. The Yellowhead Flyway Birding Trails Association has a Facebook page if you are looking for more information.
The program finished at the end of August but if anyone is interested in booking the program for next year, they may email the Summer Program Facilitator for the YFBTA at

(Left to right) Charlie Evans, Rachel & Parker Kaeding, and Mavric & Zara Sveinbjornson wait eagerly for the event to start.

Yellowhead Flyway Birding Trail Association held a Fun with Animals event at the Churchbride Public Library. The event was facilitated by special guest, Talia Fawcett who is the Summer Program Facilitator for the YFBTA during the months of May through August.

Talia plays a game of Hunter Fox with the youthful attendees including Parker & Rachel Kaeding, and Zara Sveinbjornson. Don’t move or the Hunter Fox will find you!