Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

The Saskatchewan Lotteries Community Grant Program is a system put in place to help volunteer-operated, non-profit community organization sport development and recreation programs. In partnership with the Government of Saskatchewan, Sask Sport Inc., SaskCulture Inc. and the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association Inc., the grant’s goal is to enable communities to make sport, culture and recreation programs.  

The experiences funded by Saskatchewan Lotteries are geared to meet the unique needs of residents. Community grants have helped fund many diverse activities and programs that include camps, tournaments, weekly classes and clubs. In Churchbridge and Langenburg, several applications were received regarding the grant.

Eligible organizations to receive funding include First Nations communities, northern settlements and municipal governments. Community Grants are dictated by population with a minimum grant allotted at $250.00 for southern and $500 for northern communities. Cooperation within communities is vital in the development of programs. Funding can be granted to a different jurisdiction to enhance access to high-quality programs given that no outstanding grant follow-ups exist. 

If a community grant is more than $2000.00, a component must be used for programs aimed at increasing participation for under-represented populations. The increased interest by under-represented populations requirement can be met by encouraging and welcoming diversity within regular programs and/or making special programming.

With the Saskatchewan Lotteries Community Grant, Churchbridge put money towards Churchbridge in Bloom, Churchbridge Senior Curling Club, Churchbridge Figure Skating Club, Churchbridge Public Library, Churchbridge Public School, Churchbridge Aquatic Centre, Churchbridge Arena Board, Churchbridge Cemetery Committee, St. Mary’s Youth Group and Churchbridge Playground Committee. “This past year we were granted $10 382, and it was split between all groups who were able to run,” commented Recreation Director Cassie Kaeding, “We are grateful each year for the support that Sask Lotteries is able to give to our community.”

In Langenburg, Leaps & Bounds Dance Studio, Langenburg Library, Langenburg Curling Club, Langenburg Senior Week Program, Langenburg Pickleball, Langenburg Rink, Langenburg Baseball/Softball, Langenburg Ukrainian Dance, Langenburg United Soccer Organization, New Horizons Senior Centre, Little Poppets Nursery School, Langenburg Summer Dayz Program and Langenburg Central School received funding from the Saskatchewan Lotteries Community Grant. The funds were put to good use in acquiring more equipment, renovating spaces, and improving programs.

“The money is based on your population and must go towards sport, culture or recreation programming for your community. We have a committee that adjudicates all the applications,” explained Langenburg Recreation Director Juli Mitschke. 

The 2021-2022 Saskatchewan Lotteries Community Grant applications must be in before the end of August. For funding, each group must apply from the municipality every year. For more information, contact local municipal governments or community offices.

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