Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

By: Mallory Johnson

Kiah Shields, 14, from Esterhazy, has signed onto the Weyburn AAA Goldwings hockey team. She will be playing forward and will be billeting in Weyburn. She was born in 2007 and will be going into grade ten next year. 

Shields said, “I am extremely excited because it has been a huge goal of mine to get into Weyburn’s AAA program.” She knows a few of her teammates already; she met some of them recently and has played hockey with a few of them before. Regarding school, she will go to the Weyburn Comprehensive School during the season, and once the season is over, she will transfer back to Esterhazy High School. She does not know who her billets are yet, but she is excited to meet whoever she gets matched up with! About family, Kiah said, “most likely, whenever my parents have time to come to any of my brother’s games or my games, they would be more than happy to go as they are both of our biggest supporters.”

Shields’ parents are very proud. Her dad Dave said, “Kiah has improved year after year, and gives everything she has on the ice. We couldn’t be prouder as parents to watch not only Kiah, but both kids chase their goals! So many emotions watching these kids leave home, but unfortunately for her to play the hockey she wants, it’s inevitable. Kelsey and I will be putting on lots of miles again this winter and couldn’t be more excited.”

Kiah plans to continue working as hard as she can and keep working and improving on her skills over the summer. Congratulations Kiah!

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