Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

President’s report: Jan Layh

The Annual Report of the Langenburg Arts Council provides opportunity to look back at the most recent year and offer a sneak-peak at the year ahead.

The Arts Council believes that the arts make a significant difference in the community. The arts bring people of various ages and talents together in a unique way providing opportunity for those interested in the arts to share their passion in a variety of ways. The Arts Council is dedicated to quality in all its endeavours and is humbled in its support by the local and surrounding communities.

The Arts Council’s mission of making a significant difference to the people who participate in the arts as well as to the audience who benefit from the arts helps to keep the organization on a successful path. Our mission is possible because of the Arts Council Board of Directors and the volunteers who sit on the Arts Council committees. These are the people who make sure the popcorn is popped, the activities are organized, and tickets are printed and sold. These are the people without whom the Arts Council could not successfully function. We sincerely thank them all.

The arts and culture sectors have been significantly affected by the recent pandemic. All programming at the George Layh theatre has been put on hold this past year and a half. In the 2020 President’s Report the following sums up LAC’s attitude: “The board intends to face the challenges ahead with its usual hard work and creative spirit. We maintain a positive outlook and are hopeful that the arts events our audience expects and looks forward to will resume in some manner.”

Despite the pandemic and its restrictions, the Arts Council did indeed move forward with some inventive programming and fund-raising. The On-Line Art Auction in February was not only a creative venture but a successful one as well.

The 2020-2021 Season or “non-season” has seen some losses for our organization as well as some valuable gains:

· Irene Adams, a long-standing, valuable member of our Board passed away in August. Her knowledge- she was the Arts Council’s historian as well as its voice of parliamentary procedure -her wit and her wisdom will be missed.

· An entire season of programming- concerts, dance recitals, art shows, art classes and movies was gone.

· A significant amount of potential income necessary to maintain the operation of the theatre was lost.

· A generous endowment from Irene Adams whose legacy will live on in the arts and culture of our community was a grateful and humbling gift.

· Grants from Germania Mutual Insurance Co. as well as Family and Friends Community Foundation to help cover operational costs during the pandemic when there was no possibility of income were greatly appreciated.

· The entire interior of the theatre was painted in preparation for a potential season of performances and theatre events.

· The reception area lighting is being refurbished with the installation of gallery-style lighting in preparation for future art classes and art exhibits.

With the possibility of once again being able to gather, the Arts Council is committed to moving forward to set future plans for the 2021-2022 season. Our “STARS FOR SASKATCHEWAN” series is resuming with the first performance scheduled for November 10 at 8:00 p.m. at the George Layh Theatre.

Art classes for kids and adults, as well as Paint Nights are resuming in October. In addition, plans are in motion to produce the musical GUYS AND DOLLS for two weekends in March, 2022.

The Arts Council is open and welcoming to new board directors and new committee members. We are grateful to our volunteers and are always looking for more people to add to our team. Artistic skills are not a prerequisite but enjoying the arts in any of its many forms is definitely an asset.

Contact Jan Layh for more information: Email:

Phone/text: (306)496-7055

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