Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Langenburg Central school announced that a local club at their school is conducting a bottle drive for charity. The group Jack.Org has put on monthly events in the school, and they are asking students Pre-K to grade twelve to participate. Students and community members can drop off bags of recycling to Langenburg’s SARCAN under the name Jack.Org Fundraiser. For every bag brought in, points are tallied towards the student’s homeroom. The class with the most bags brought in decides the charity. 

    Jack.Org is a group of student mental health advocates that works within the school to create support systems and awareness events for their peers. Known as Jack Chapters, the club has worked year-round to stage events to identify and dismantle barriers to their community’s positive mental health. Locations of Jack.Org groups are across Canada. 

The Jack.Org group at Langenburg Central School has representatives for grades five to twelve, but the primary group of organizers are Seniors. To end the year off with flair before the leaders hang up their boots, Jack.Org wanted to extend an invitation to the community to get involved. Community members are welcomed to drop off recycling for the bottle drive from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 15:00. 

    Langenburg’s current Jack.Org group consists of lead organizer Kori Griffin, Izelle, Sholtz, Charlee Mitschke and Tim Shamerhorn. Staff advisor Charlotte Cavanagh has also been vital in the organization and execution of the event. The group has been closely monitoring the charity fundraiser and has been ecstatic by the amount of support thus far. “Honestly, it hasn’t been too hard to manage thanks to the people at SARCAN. They have been a big help,” commented Griffin. 

Support groups like Jack.Org make safe spaces that let individuals feel more comfortable in their skin. “Even something small can make a difference in someone’s day,” stated Griffin. In the past, they have conducted a mindfulness video, an art project where students write something they love about themselves on their handprint, a photo booth with uplifting messaging, and much more. Along with the bottle drive, the group painted a large butterfly on the window of their school’s small gym. “We did this in hopes of brightening up this year and putting a smile on someone’s face,” reflected Griffin.

The group has been around for just a few years, and they already see changes in the way students prioritize and look at mental health. Griffin discussed that mental health had always been imprudent to her. “It affects everybody, and so it is very important that we lower the stigma around it,” said Griffin, “Good mental health is essential for a person’s well-being, and it is important to advocate for everyone, including those struggling”.

Due to COVID-19, Jack.Org has not participated in many fundraisers or activities in the school or community. The group recognizes that everyone has been affected by the pandemic, and it is important to support their community. They noted that a bottle drive is something easy that most citizens can participate in. One of Jack.Org’s mottos is “let’s create a world where we can all better support one another”. Langenburg’s Jack.Org group is proving that to be true. 

Currently, the grade ten class is in the lead with fourteen bags of recycling. Other classrooms are trailing behind; grade eight-B is at four bags and grade five is at three. The community can bring bags to SARCAN’s Langenburg location and dedicate the bags to any class of their choosing. 

The event is on until June 11, 2021, and Jack.Org would love any support they can get! Further information regarding the fundraiser is located on Langenburg Central School’s Facebook page. To book ahead, community members can call SARCAN at 1 (306) 743-9004. If there are any questions regarding the fundraiser, community members can reach out to Kori Griffin at 1 (306) 496-7111.

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