Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Mayor Jeremy Stasiuk opened the November 8th council meeting just after 7:00 P.M. Council reviewed the minutes of the last meeting and proceeded to discuss payments and bank reconciliation.

Some expenditures included the alarms at the rink which were serviced by Guardon. The zamboni received maintenance, which is a standard practice that usually happens every couple years. Yield signs were purchased for the town. A motion was made to pay the bills. 

Swimming Pool and Laff N’ Linger Report – The financial report was received by the council. Council will meet with the Laff N’ Linger committee with the full report soon. 

Town Foreman Report – Workers spent Saturday loading water trucks to send to Churchbridge, 65,000 gallons in total. A resident inquired if the town would include fluoride in the system. The town discussed the dynamics involved with adding fluoride in the water system as it has been added in past years, but a pump would have to be purchased and there is an annual cost for it; therefore, the town will stay with non-fluoride water. 

Town staff picked up salt and are prepared for the snow affecting the streets. They also filled some streets with dirt and the location where the landmark Goliath was previously located. 

The sweeper brush came in for the sidewalk clearing machine, but now snowblower is installed now for the winter. 

Pumpkins were picked up from the pumpkin graveyard. 

The staff spent money fixing flats on tires and they will need replacing in the future. 

A pump and heater were ordered for the RO plant to help it flush. 

The new sidewalk machine was used already to clear sidewalks and it seems to work well when the snow isn’t as wet and heavy as it currently is. Street cleaning at LCS was discussed and the council will have a focus on the school area. 

Office Administration Report

The World’s Largest Swing, Goliath, has been moved. 

Barbara Rindisbacher is organizing a Hi-Day Friday event with newcomers to Langenburg and the town will help purchase beverages for the event. 

The councillors discussed the Christmas party date. 

Council reviewed the previous meeting where MLA Kaeding was in attendance. Healthcare was brought up and the province is getting “boots on the ground” in different countries trying to recruit more doctors and nurses. Saskatchewan is aiming for more full-time nursing positions compared to part-time as those positions offer benefits, as well as aiming to train more staff through the education pipeline via loans forgiven for students and more seats in the training classrooms.

Committee Reports


Council mentioned it was a successful opening weekend at the arena with many people at the rink. Public skating has been advertised to promote the activity to residents. Crokicurl will be set up again this year once the weather gets colder. 

Community Development

Senior housing plans were discussed. There is a community meeting scheduled for November 29th at 7:30 P.M. with a focus to help encourage investors and the public to understand the financial side of the project. Councillors encourage residents to attend so everyone is informed of the senior housing project. A list will be established for all those interested in the senior housing units. The land is purchased for the project already from the previous attempt to establish the senior housing units. Residents, as well as anyone outside of town, are recommended to attend the November 29th meeting. A mail drop will be provided for residents outside of town as well as those in town. A tenants meeting will be held in the new year for those with potential interest to ask about specific details about the construction and other details. The project could break ground by summer in 2023. 12 housing units were included in the initial proposal. Councillors Joann McDonell and Jeff Farmer, and CAO Glenda Lemcke are available to answer any questions from the public regarding the senior housing project.

Employee Relations

A motion was made to hire an employee. 

A draft policy is being developed regarding a town employee dress code but it is not finished yet. 


RCMP update – Sgt. Geoff Stringfellow is interested in coming to an upcoming meeting to present. 

A resident had an issue with sewer backup in their property during Thanksgiving. Council agreed the issue was on their end and jetted a manhole to clear the issue. Council will pay the residents bill they incurred trying to snake and roto rooter out the line.

A request was sent to rent porta potties for an event; council recommended employing a private business who provides that service.

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