Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

It has always been an honour for the Langenburg Lions to work with the Langenburg Legion to bring to our community a Remembrance Day Service. We spoke as a group and consulted with the Langenburg Legion and felt it is best this year to delay our in-person service until next year. 

Although we will not meet in person this year, we want to ensure that our Community Heroes are recognized and remembered. One thing remains constant, our deep respect and appreciation for all our fallen heroes. On November 11th, we will take time to honour all of those who served or still serve, and those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom and peace. 

We ask that you take 2 minutes on November 11th to pay your respects to those who so greatly deserve it. 

World War One 


John Montgomery, Robert Patterson, Skuli Lindal, Johan Thorlakson, John Einarson, John Thorvinson, John Murray, John Nordean. 


Louis C McAfee 

World War Two 


E.J. Berger, Ernest Degryse, Alvin Feusi, Harold Fuhr, Quinton Johnson, Raymond Vermeersch, Albert Wotherspoon, William Zentner, Wilbert Schultz, John W. Wotherspoon, 


Murray Cowan, Arthur Fraser, Theo Freysteinson, Charles Tuma, John Welk. 


Alfred Jira 


Edward Bryer, Lorne Roulston, Rob’t Berggren. 


Ewald George Kendel, Harold Rowan, Nicholas Yaworski.

“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old,

Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn;

At the going down of the Sun, and in the morning

We will remember them”

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