Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Mayor Jeremy Stasiuk called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Town of Langenburg to order with all council members present.

The council began reviewing the agenda before Councilor Sicinski made a motion to accept the agenda; motion carried.

Carrying on, the council reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting before Councillor Popp made a motion to accept the minutes as reviewed and amended; motion carried.

Next, the council discussed the drainage issues at Cre.ate being like Bumper to Bumper and needing to stop the draining of run-off from business back alleys.

Council also discussed the 4 way stop sign proposed on 3rd or 4th street and where it would be best, also they discussed if yield signs may help.

The council reviewed the Town Accounts. There was a short discussion on overtime paid and if it could be dealt with as time off in lieu. Councillor Farmer made a motion to accept the town Accounts; motion carried.

Next, the council heard the Town Forman’s Report. Foreman Dave Tucker gave the council a review of what has been going on with the town maintenance department and what is planned for the next two weeks. Councillor Popp made a motion to increase the on-call amount to $125 rather than $100.00; this is for a 24-hour on-call period and the motion was carried.

Councillor Hunt made a motion to approve Foreman Tucker’s report; motion carried.

The lift station was next to be discussed. There is a lot of landscaping work to do as well as some minor deficits to be fixed.

The swimming pool project was next to be discussed. The pool loan was then discussed. The town is looking at an approximately $750,000 loan to cover the pool project over the next 10 years. Councillor Popp made the motion to apply for a $750,000 loan to pay the pool project; motion carried.

The council gave the floor to Ron Ervin from Access Communication about an upgrade to its system including the broadband across the province. 

The council then reviewed the Administrator report. CAO Lemke answered any question the council had about her report and Councillor Sicinski made a motion to accept the Administrator Report as reviewed; motion carried.

Councillor Farmer gave the Parks and Recreation Report. Councillor Farmer moved his report be accepted as reviewed; motion carried.

The Financial Report was given by Councillor Popp. Councillor Popp reviewed the financial situation of the town with the rest of the council before he moved the report as reviewed; motion carried.

Carrying on, the council reviewed the correspondence received by the town over the last two weeks. Councillor Farmer made a motion to file the correspondence; motion carried.

For new business, the council discussed the bylaw to purchase the grader. Councillor Hunt made a motion for 1st reading of the grader purchase by-law; motion carried.

Councillor Lundgren made a motion for the 2nd reading on the grader purchase by-law; motion carried. 

With the decision being unanimous, Councillor Sicinski made the final motion to enact the bylaw to purchase the grader; motion carried.

Councillor Sicinski made a motion to move the wheelchair parking at the hall.

Councillor Popp made a motion to adjourn the meeting; motion carried.

By Gary Horseman

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Four-Town+ Journal

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