Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

On a blizzardy night at 7:02 P.M. Tuesday, November 16, 2021 Mayor Jeremy Stasiuk called the regularly scheduled council meeting to order for the Town of Langenburg.

The council moved on to the acceptance of agenda quickly followed by the acceptance of minutes.

The council reviewed the list of accounts payable and then moved to make payments on the accounts. 

Carrying on, the council heard a quick financial summary review (committee to meet and review in-depth).

During the foreman’s report, it was requested that the council consider a policy for back alley tree trimming as many of them are becoming overgrown and equipment cannot get them down. 

Two maintenance staff attended the Saskatchewan Water & Wastewater Association Conference. Snow has been removed and sidewalks were cleaned. Also, the ice plant parts are on order.

During the office report, a snow fence was discussed. Also, the OSS Truck was stuck twice in the area from the cause of drifting. A CO-NO2 detector for the rink was discussed. The town is  working with the fire department to get the right machine. Twinrix Vaccine for outdoor employees was discussed as well as the town will have an interim audit on Tuesday.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 P.M.

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