Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Wanda Buckberger is a nurse practitioner with the Saskatchewan Health Authority who has helped in schools in Churchbridge, Langenburg and Esterhazy.

Some parents inquired as to what the responsibilities of the nurse practitioner includes in our schools. 

“I have been going to Esterhazy for the last three years. When the nurse practitioner who typically goes to Langenburg and Churchbridge went on maternity leave, I filled in for her.”

When Wanda arrives at a school for an appointment, she said can “diagnose common medical problems and prescribe medications if needed. I can order lab work or x-rays, ultrasounds and refer to any specialists needed. I do have some education as well. We go into classrooms as requested to do some health teaching.”

“I’ve been going to Esterhazy, two mornings every month, typically on the first and third Thursday of the month from 9 am until 12.”

Asked if she is able to administer vaccinations, Wanda said, “No, that is Public Health domain. That’s where they send out their information packages for parental consent, then they go into schools with their childhood immunization. They haven’t been doing Covid immunization in schools.”

“I see quite a few students, a lot with anxiety and depression so we’ve been helping with that and referring to the needed councillors if they’re agreeable to that. I don’t see anyone under the age of 14. If it is someone younger, they have written parental consent.”

“Students can be considered a mature minor after usually the age of 16 if those administering the vaccine feel like they understand the pros and cons, then they are able to give their own consent.”

The nurse practitioner added, “If I do see a kid that has a family doctor, I do send a note to that family doctor to keep them informed with that care if it is something they need to know about.”

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