Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Incidents recently in Esterhazy, Rocanville, Yorkton and Broadview.

People of the Moosomin Detachment area

Be aware there have been a few incidents in our surrounding area that compelled me to send this out.  

Firstly, a quad was stolen from a business in Rocanville sometime over the weekend. If you have any information about this, please contact Cst Pomeroy at the Moosomin Detachment. The thief cut fence to commit their theft.

There was an armed Robbery in Yorkton in Yorkton yesterday at a business, followed by another similar incident in Esterhazy. 

Broadview Detachment had a theft of a truck reported last night which was used in at least one of the a/n robberies. The vehicle in the Esterhazy incident was used to ram a building several times.

The purpose of this alert is to remind you, especially during haying and harvest time to ensure your unattended vehicles left on the land are locked and nothing valuable is in them. Neighbouring detachments have had recent incidents of people having items stolen from their unlocked vehicles. If you know anyone who may be in a position where they need to leave vehicles unattended for any reason, please inform them to take their keys and lock it up!

I know I sound like a broken record here but please, PLEASE make sure you lock your vehicles, keep the keys and valuables secured, and DO NOT make this easy for the thieves among us.

Thank you and carry on!

Sgt. Fefchak. 

If you have information related to this advisory please call 310-RCMP for immediate response, or you can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).

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