Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

At 6:00 P.M. on June 16, 2021, Mayor Barnhart called the Regularly Scheduled Council meeting for the Town of Saltcoats to order with a quorum present.

Next, the council reviewed the agenda before Councillor Denbrok made the motion to accept the amended agenda. 

The council gave the floor to a delegate after the introduction of those present. 

Next Mayor Barnhart opened the Public Hearing to Repeal Bylaw 03-2021 and the Bring in Bylaw 05-2021. With no one present, Mayor Barnhard closed the public meeting.

The council reviewed the Regular meeting of May 19, 2021 and the social meeting on May 31, 2021. Councillor Walischuck made the motion to accept the minutes as reviewed; motion carried.

Carrying on, the council heard from their consultant about the lagoon enhancements and the water treatment plant project.

Public Works

The council reviewed the Monthly Review of the Waterworks Operation Report for May 2021. Council reviewed the written report before Councilor Issel made a motion to accept the waterworks operation report; the motion carried.

The Public Works Report for May 2021 was next to be reviewed before Councillor Walischuck made the motion to accept the public works report.

The council discussed the recent Catterall/Wright invoice as well. 


The List of Accounts for Payment was reviewed before Councillor Pearson made the motion to pay the town’s bills; the motion carried.

Next, the council reviewed the Monthly Financial Report for May 2021 before the Councillor made the motion to accept the May 2021 Financial report; the motion carried.

The May 2021 Bank Reconciliation report was reviewed with Councillor Hutchings making the motion to accept the bank Reconciliation as reviewed; the bank reconciliation was deferred until the next meeting.

Next under financials, the council reviewed the unpaid tax and unpaid utility reports.


The council heard from the personnel committee with recommendations of wages for town staff. Councillor Walischuck made a motion to adopt the Personnel Committee recommendation; the motion carried.

Business Arising From Minutes

The council repealed Bylaw 03-2021 Borrowing by means of Debenture with a motion by Councillor Hutchings; motion carried.

Bylaw 05-2021 Borrowing by means of Debenture was brought forward with a motion by Councillor Walischuck to have the first reading; the motion carried. The seconded reading was brought forward by Councillor Denbrok, the motion carried. A motion to have all three readings at this meeting was brought by Councillor Walischuck, with no one opposing the council, having the 3rd reading was next with Mayor Barnhart making the motion, the motion carried.

New Business

The council discussed the Repeal of Policy 13-06 Landfill Operations and Fees. With a motion from Councillor Denbrok; the motion was carried.

Next, the council reviewed Policy 14-07 Landfill-Prohibited Waste. After a short discussion, the council said they will review this next meeting.

Carrying on, the council Repealed Policy 15-01 Payment of Landfill Fees with a motion from Councillor Denbrok; the motion carried.

Next, the council discussed the Annual Public Meeting. Councillor Pearson reviewed this with the rest of the council and suggested setting up a date to have this meeting. September 28, 2021, from 7:00 to 8:30 PM was discussed and agreed on by all council members.

The council discussed the request for a development permit. After a short discussion, Councillor Hutchings made a motion to approve the development permit; the motion carried.

Next, the council discussed the library report. Councillor Denbrok reviewed the library report with the rest of the council. Jessica Farquharson is the librarian for the summer. The library is selling used books as well. 

The council reviewed the Commissionaires Report. There is a concern with speeding within town limits that is a major concern for the council.


The council reviewed the correspondence received by the town over the last month including; Revenue Sharing, RCMP Report for May, Municipalities of Saskatchewan Rebranding, The Health Foundation, and the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association, Councillor Walischuck made a motion to file the correspondence and the motion was carried.

The council went in-camera with a motion from Councillor Denbrok and the motion was carried.

Gary Horseman

Four-Town+ Journal

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