Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Recently Scott Moe and the Sask. Party announced its three-step plan to move forward as the province reaches vaccination targets. The government announced a plan that re-opens Saskatchewan based on the percentage of individuals getting vaccinated.

The Saskatchewan government’s website describes the plan as “A three-step plan to gradually lift current public health restrictions as Saskatchewan reaches significant vaccination levels.”

Wade Sira, Interim Leader for the Buffalo Party certainly is not happy with the roadmap and feels its leading us down the road for division and disaster and is illegal and unethical. Sira stated, “Saskatchewan has entered its darkest hour in its history. To say that the Buffalo Party is disappointed with the new Saskatchewan Government Reopen Plan is an understatement. Throughout the pandemic, we have learned many things about the Covid-19 infection.”

Sira talked about three issues.

“First,” Sira began, “we learned that because it is a transmissible disease our government feels entitled to restrict our Constitutional Freedom of  movement for our safety. As such, restrictions are a function of infection and the rate at which spread increases. Today, we learn that the metrics have changed and suddenly the Saskatchewan Government has crossed into uncharted territory. Restrictions are now a function of the vaccination rate. This is illegal for division and disaster.”

“Secondly” Sira added, “by refusing to lift restrictions based on vaccination rates. we are left to understand that the government is forcing 7 in 10 people to get vaccinations or all will be restricted. This is a recipe for division and disaster. It is shocking to see such aggressive policy pursued by a provincial government.”

“Third, with the expected, based on experience, lowering of illness and infection rate this month we should be ‘opening up as much as possible’ to state it as the Government did last May and June when they claimed to care that small and medium-sized businesses were suffering and closing. When they said that we needed to protect our Main Streets from being replaced by Bay Street. Yet here is our own government poised to hold our business community hostage to ensure vaccination compliance.”

Sira questioned, “However, we must ask why we would put 18-year-olds who rarely suffer serious illness in front of reopening the economy? And why would we dream of putting 18-year-olds in front of giving the elderly and vulnerable their second shot as per the manufacturer’s instructions regardless of what the federal government recommends? So much of the Sask Party Government’s plan is misdirected. When did our government stop trusting us to do the right thing on our own? Why do they think it is their job to make health decisions for us and our families. Why does Scott Moe ask us to listen to him rather than telling us to seek advice from our own doctor?”

He stressed that this is not an anti-vax stance, to the contrary. The Buffalo Party believes that the vaccine should be widely available for everyone to get. 

Have Scott Moe and the Sask. Party gone too far, too late, by not reacting appropriately during this pandemic and not re-opening the province based on 70 percent vaccination rates? Some are wondering if a government force its population into isolation and restrictions based on a medical procedure.

Ryan Meili, Leader of the Sask. NDP wasn’t impressed by either the Sask. Party or the Buffalo Party of Saskatchewan and had this to say in response to the situation.

“It seems the Sask. Party has two wings, the Buffalo wing that doesn’t care about public health and wants to break up Canada, and the Chicken Wing that is too afraid to stand up for either,” said NDP Leader Ryan Meili. “And the way this premier flops and flails, it’s not clear which wing he’s flapping or is flapping him.”

 On Saturday, May 1, Official Opposition Deputy Leader Nicole Sarauer moved amendments to Bill 23 – The Emergency Planning Amendment Act. These amendments proposed a specific offence for organizing a protest in contravention of public health measures with a fine of not less than $10,000. The government denied this motion. 

“It is clear that the current penalties are not providing sufficient deterrence. Maxime Bernier saw no substantial consequence for coming to our province and putting families and our health care system at risk, ” said NDP Deputy Leader Nicole Sarauer. “The government had a chance to send a real message with real consequences for those who organize these anti-mask, pro-COVID-19 rallies. Saskatchewan families deserve better.”

By Gary Horseman 

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter 

Four-Town+ Journal

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