Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Dr. Naji and Dr. Ghanbari have announced that they will be leaving Esterhazy in early 2023. We are saddened to see them leave. St. Anthony’s Foundation is working with Saskatchewan Health in an attempt to address some of the issues for doctors working in rural Saskatchewan. The patient load and emergency calls make Esterhazy a particularly challenging place for doctors to work. There are 30,000 plus clinic appointments in a year plus emergency and Care Home calls.

We anticipate that another doctor will arrive in Esterhazy in mid-February upon completion of the SIPPA program. While this will leave the clinic short one doctor for a period of time, the Foundation is hopeful that another SIPPA doctor will arrive in June or July.

Our three new CXLTs (lab techs) have completed their orientation at St. Anthony’s and are now able to cover evenings and weekends so bypasses caused by a shortage of X-Ray/lab coverage is hopefully behind us.

-Esterhazy Health Foundations

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