July 31, 2019
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Over the past couple of decades there has been a decrease in print newspaper subscriptions, although the interest in local news has not faded. The print copy of the Four-Town Journal is the main local news-source for many citizens of the area and has done an excellent job informing readers about important need-to-know information.
It is my intent to keep the newspaper layout similar to past issues and to not tweak it unnecessarily. The Roughriders changed Gainer the Gopher’s eye colour to green unnecessarily and look at the backlash they faced from proud supporters! However, even Gainer can use an update every-so-often if it can be done subtly.
The subtle change I intend to apply to the Four-Town Journal is to take it to the digital media age where subscribers can view the newspaper on their computers and mobile phones, in addition to the classic paper print copy some prefer.
On the topic of football, that is something you may notice more of in future editions. I am involved with the Esterhazy Warriors football program and feel a lot of pride for the program. Due to my admiration of our hard working athletes I feel it is important to showcase them from time-to-time in the local sports section. I am passionate about all sports and have been involved with numerous programs in the area.
My proudest moment as a coach is going to Hoopla with the 3A senior girls program in Kamsack about 5 years ago.
Outside of coaching sports, I feel creating spaces for people to play and compete is also important. Sports create an outlet for our youth to help develop themselves as young-adults.
My wife Jozette and I have an 18-month old daughter, Eden, who we cherish and want to give all the opportunities we possibly can to engage her in an active lifestyle. Although my roles were not always major, I was able to help develop community activity areas such as the Churchbridge Bark Park, Churchbridge Credit Union Disc Golf Course, and the Churchbridge Sportcourt.
Now the question…why start in the newspaper industry? I remember growing up and reading the Maple Creek Times eagerly to see the picture Wayne Litke took of us after a successful basketball tournament. Reading what he had to say about the event helped me relive the experience and I would keep the cutout in a memory box (which I still have).
Fast forward to my convocation from the University of Regina. My parents took the time to put a congratulations advertisement in the paper for all the area to see and I felt so proud! Again, the picture is still with me today.
There are numerous examples I can share, but I imagine you also have a memory that’s been saved as a clipping stashed somewhere. With the fear of the Four-Town Journal closing its doors for good, and the understanding of how important a local newspaper is to readers of all ages, it made complete sense for me personally to jump head-first into something I believe in.
I know newspapers are struggling with paper print versions; I also know I have the tools and knowledge to bring our beloved Four-Town Journal into the new age of being digital.
Please continue your support of local news in the area.
Authored by: Ryan Stanko