Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

For the past several years YFBTA has been actively promoting interest and involvement in the world of nature. We seek to be aware of the birds, animals and plants that share this part of the world with us. We promote environmental awareness, knowledge and advocacy. 

One of our projects has been to hire, each year, a student from the end of April to late August. In May and June these YFBTA Program Facilitators have worked primarily within the schools, helping teachers and students gain experience and knowledge through outdoor and classroom activities. In July and August the Program Facilitators have worked with a wide variety of community groups of all ages. The programs have been very popular. Unfortunately, this year, due to the impact of COVID, we have been unable to offer the program. 

Late in 2019 YFBTA agreed to work towards the revival of an annual province-wide observance of a spring Arbour Day/Arbour week. As a result of our work, and with the co-operation of Nature Saskatchewan and others, the Government of Saskatchewan through the office of Hon. Dustin Duncan, then Minister of Environment, an Arbour Day and Arbour Week were proclaimed. The initiative was severely limited due to issues around the pandemic. 

This year, with the support of Hon. Warren Kaeding, Minister of Environment, Arbour Day 2021 has been proclaimed for Friday May 28 and Arbour Week May 28-June 6. Promotion of Arbour Day/Arbour Week and planning for appropriate observances has again been limited due to the pandemic – regulations, uncertainties, conflicting priorities. It is our hope that schools and other community groups locally will be able to find meaningful ways to participate, and we appeal for your support. Individuals and groups may choose alternate dates while observing the intent and activities of Arbour Day/Week. You Are Invited to Act, Share, Celebrate. The Yellowhead Flyway Birding Trail Association (YFBTA) invites you to consider participation in Arbour Day. This invitation may provide an opportunity to be active in the out-of-doors or other opportunities to share and to celebrate. 

In a second document we are providing some additional information about the history of Arbour Day and even its roots in centuries past. What is Arbour Day? Arbour Day/Week is an occasion for planting trees and for promoting environmental awareness that is steeped in tradition and that combines awareness, education and action. Arbour Day offers community and/or family-driven opportunities. These opportunities may include all ages and all cultures. They are available to individuals, families, schools, community organizations, corporations and agencies. 

You Can Help: Please consider providing positive assistance by endorsing and distributing this invitation. Trees are simply amazing. They clean air and water, slow climate change, ease poverty and hunger, prevent species loss, and feed the human soul. All we need to do is plant and care for them. 

Arbour Day Foundation Arbour Day Involvement is Appropriate Accepting this invitation puts you in charge of the level of your engagement. Initiatives and actions are developed and conducted entirely by the participant(s). Youth may have an opportunity to act as environmental stewards in safe, supervised ways. YFBTA encourages activities that connect youth with nature. 

In these Covid times we request that family or trusted adults provide for supervision and “safety-first” procedures. Actions will encourage you to get into the out-of-doors and will connect you with the natural world. Actions that you take will contribute to a healthier society. You will be part of a much larger stewardship endeavour. If you decide to take action you may choose to share your story and/or photos with the YFBTA by contacting Rob Wilson ( or 1-306-744-8140). Rob will “bundle” these and work to have the material posted on the YFBTA website ( Please inform others and get involved. We hope that you will share with us as we will be delighted to celebrate your efforts. – Rob Wilson on behalf of YFBTA

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